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TrainingUPCOMING WEBINARS:Title: 2025-2026 Verification and Conflicting Information Date/Time: Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 10am -12:00 pm EST Description: Verification in 2025-2026 is similar to 2024-2025, but there are some subtle changes, and a lot of verification-like processes you’ll need to perform based on comment and reject codes. In this webinar, we will look at V1 verification in 2025-2026 – the FAFSA items to be verified and the documentation that must be collected. We’ll also look at the required reviews when an ISIR contains a tax-related comment and reject code, including Comment Codes 283, 284, and 303. Throughout, we’ll emphasize the changes between the two years. Presenters: Robert Weinerman, Director of Training, Iron Bridge Resources, LLC BIO: Robert Weinerman is the Director of Training at Iron Bridge Resources, LLC. He has spent the last ten years of his college finance career training financial aid administrators about the tax related information they are obligated to understand, through in-person trainings, webinars, and conference sessions. Prior to working for Iron Bridge, Robert spent around ten years working with parents of college bound students who were preparing to save for, or pay for college, and prior to that, he was a financial aid officer at several Boston area colleges, including MIT and Babson.
Moderator: Lisa Koretoff, Director of Financial Aid, Guilford Technical Community College Download Presentation HERE!